Overseas casinos with non-AAMs licence?

Update time! Another 300 euros showed up today. Support's sticking to their guns about the 10-day reset policy, even though it's nowhere in the fine print. If I'd known, I wouldn't have made that second request on day 10 and reset the clock. Lesson learned - I'm done with this site after this mess. Think I'll be taking you up on that complaint offer pal.
Glad to hear some cash is trickling in. Still, this reset rule is shadier than a vampire's beach umbrella. If it's not in writing, it shouldn't fly. Totally get why you're ready to wash your hands of this place. Let's get that complaint rolling and see if we can't speed things up for you.
Alright, complaint filed. Their lack of transparency and these delay tactics have me seeing red. Here's hoping we can resolve this pronto, but either way, I'm out after this. Thanks for having my back, everyone.
Alright, complaint filed. Their lack of transparency and these delay tactics have me seeing red. Here's hoping we can resolve this pronto, but either way, I'm out after this. Thanks for having my back, everyone.
Smart move, bud. We'll keep the pressure on and see if we can't get this sorted. Hang tight, and keep us posted!
Holy jackpot, Batman! Douglas buddy, your magic worked! Thanks to your mediation, the casino coughed up the rest of my winnings lickety-split. I'm over the moon! 💰👨‍🚀🚀🌗
Holy jackpot, Batman! Douglas buddy, your magic worked! Thanks to your mediation, the casino coughed up the rest of my winnings lickety-split. I'm over the moon! 💰👨‍🚀🚀🌗
Well, slap me silly and call me lucky! That's fantastic news, Papa! Gotta give credit where it's due - it's not often a casino jumps to attention that fast without us breathing down their necks. Enjoy your hard-won cash!
So, what's the verdict? Sticking with Winnita or taking your lucky streak elsewhere? 😊🍀🎉
Hey buddy! You're right, credit where it's due. While it wasn't all smooth sailing, I've got to admit Winnita stepped up in the end. Their manager actually seemed keen to sort things out, which is more than I can say for some horror stories I've read here.
Massive thanks to you and the whole Casino Guru crew. You folks are the real MVPs! 🥰🏆