Overseas casinos with non-AAMs licence?


Papa Gambler
I read some articles online that worried me. What are the risks of playing and winning at foreign casinos that aren't AAMs approved? I read that you could face heavy fines and prison. I requested a withdrawal from one of these sites, and now I'm paranoid because there are several transactions on my personal account. Do I really risk fines and prison?
Whoa there, pump the brakes on the panic train! While it's smart to be cautious, the idea of you ending up in the slammer for some online slots is a bit far-fetched. Think about it - if every tourist who played a hand of poker abroad got locked up, our prisons would be bursting with sunburnt vacationers!
Thanks, Jared! 😃 that's a relief. I think I'll stop playing now just to be on the safe side. I had no clue they weren't fully legit, especially since they asked for ID verification and all. I hope I don't sound like a total newbie, but those articles really got me worked up. I'll just wait for my last payout and then sayonara to that site. Really hoping there's no fallout from this. Thanks again for talking me off the ledge!
Hey there, don't sweat it. Lots of folks play on international sites without issue. Now, if you lived somewhere gambling was totally outlawed, that might be a different story. But most countries are cool with it, even if they prefer you stick to local joints.
Good on you for asking though - that's what we're here for! So, spill the beans - which casino had you losing sleep?
Hey there, don't sweat it. Lots of folks play on international sites without issue. Now, if you lived somewhere gambling was totally outlawed, that might be a different story. But most countries are cool with it, even if they prefer you stick to local joints.
Good on you for asking though - that's what we're here for! So, spill the beans - which casino had you losing sleep?
It's Winnita. Had some drama with document verification at first - took about 9 days and a million attempts before they finally gave me the green light. Since then, withdrawals have been smooth sailing. They say this last one will take 10 days to process. I'll keep you posted. Gambling's regulated but legal here in Italy, so I should be in the clear. Right now, I just want to avoid any legal headaches.
It's Winnita. Had some drama with document verification at first - took about 9 days and a million attempts before they finally gave me the green light. Since then, withdrawals have been smooth sailing. They say this last one will take 10 days to process. I'll keep you posted. Gambling's regulated but legal here in Italy, so I should be in the clear. Right now, I just want to avoid any legal headaches.
9 days for verification? That's slower than my grandma using dial-up internet! What's the deal with the 10-day withdrawal? Seems fishy. Mind sharing what payment method you're using?
Gotta say though, I dig your caution about licenses and legality. More players should follow your lead on that front. 👍
Hey Baraka, get this - they've got this wacky system where the more you win, the longer you wait for your cash. It's in the fine print, so I can't really complain. I hit it big with 3000 euros, so now I'm twiddling my thumbs. I'll keep you in the loop. Oh, and I'm using good old plastic - credit card for the win (or withdrawal, in this case).
Hey Baraka, get this - they've got this wacky system where the more you win, the longer you wait for your cash. It's in the fine print, so I can't really complain. I hit it big with 3000 euros, so now I'm twiddling my thumbs. I'll keep you in the loop. Oh, and I'm using good old plastic - credit card for the win (or withdrawal, in this case).
Hold up, they make you wait longer for bigger wins? That sucks! Sounds like they're hoping you'll get itchy fingers and gamble it away before payday. I wouldn't touch a casino with that policy with a ten-foot pole. But hey, if you're cool with it, more power to you. We'll be here biting our nails with you!
Quick question - any crypto options for withdrawal? Or is it all traditional methods?
Morning folks, turns out the waiting game is the same no matter how you want your money. Support claims it's about processing volumes, but between you and me, I think they're just dangling the carrot, hoping we'll cave and play more. Sneaky, right? I've only ever used card or bank transfer, always with the patience of a saint. Think I'm done with this joint after this payout, though. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly!
Yo, has anyone dealt with international casino winnings and taxes? I've been playing on some offshore sites, nothing crazy, just winning back what I've put in. Do I need to report this on my taxes or what?
Alright folks, buckle up for a wild ride. Remember that 3000 euro win? Well, I've only seen 600 of it so far. Support's giving me the runaround, first saying we're still in the 10-day window. Then I won again (lucky me, right?) and requested another withdrawal. Now they're telling me the 10-day clock resets with each new request. It's like a never-ending game of "Keep Away" with my own cash!
I'm starting to think this casino's about as legit as a three-dollar bill. If you hadn't helped me with that document verification mess, I'd probably still be stuck in ID limbo. Their 10-day policy was already pushing it, but this resetting business? That's some next-level nonsense.
Consider this my official "Do Not Recommend" stamp for Winnita. They're playing games, alright, but not the kind we signed up for!
That's rough, PapaC. But maybe there's a misunderstanding? Have you tried escalating to a manager or checking their terms and conditions again?
That 10-day reset trick is noncence! That's not how it should work at all. If I were you, I'd hold off on any more withdrawals until you get what's owed. Might be time to file a formal complaint if they keep playing games. We typically give casinos 10 days max for withdrawals, and this reset business doesn't fly. Let me know if you want help with that complaint process.
Update time! Another 300 euros showed up today. Support's sticking to their guns about the 10-day reset policy, even though it's nowhere in the fine print. If I'd known, I wouldn't have made that second request on day 10 and reset the clock. Lesson learned - I'm done with this site after this mess. Think I'll be taking you up on that complaint offer pal.