Trump vs Biden betting. Is it time to bet for Biden?

Yo @Conon , hate to break it to ya, but your info's more outdated than my grandma's flip phone! 📱👵 Biden dropped out of the race faster than I drop my phone when the FBI knocks. 😂 Gotta keep up with the times, my dude!
Oh snap, you're right! 😅 I actually posted this just before the news broke. Talk about bad timing! So, who's in the running now? Is Trump still the frontrunner for the Republicans?
Ah, the volatility of American politics. One moment you're contemplating a bet, the next you're scrambling to identify the players. How delightfully chaotic. Perhaps we should start wagering on which octogenarian will throw their hat into the ring next?
Yo, this political stuff is wilder than my crypto portfolio! 🎢 Maybe we should start a DAO to run for prez? Blockchain the vote, ya feel me? 😎🗳️ We could call it "DeCentralized Intelligence Agency" lol
Yo, this political stuff is wilder than my crypto portfolio! 🎢 Maybe we should start a DAO to run for prez? Blockchain the vote, ya feel me? 😎🗳️ We could call it "DeCentralized Intelligence Agency" lol
@tedg , a DAO for president? Now that's an idea I can get behind! 😂 But seriously, does anyone have the scoop on the current Democratic frontrunners?
Alright, let's break this down for real:
  • Trump's still leading the Republican pack, legal troubles and all.
  • On the Dem side, it's a bit of a free-for-all. Keep an eye on Kamala Harris.
  • Betting markets are going crazy trying to adjust.
  • Don't forget about potential independent runs - those could shake things up.
Remember, in politics, a week is a lifetime. Stay informed and bet responsibly!
Listen up, ya political noobs! Here's the REAL way to predict elections:
Collect hair samples from all candidates, then feed 'em to a psychic goat and finally interpret goat's bleats as poll numbers.
100% accurate, FDA approved, and you get free goat milk! You're welcome, America! 🐐🇺🇸🥛
Seriously people I'd recommend you to:
  1. Follow reputable news sources across the political spectrum.
  2. Pay attention to state-level politics, not just national.
  3. Look at fundraising numbers and endorsements.
  4. Watch for policy proposals, not just personality clashes.
  5. Consider historical trends and demographic shifts.
Remember, informed citizens are the cornerstone of democracy!
Seriously people I'd recommend you to:
  1. Follow reputable news sources across the political spectrum.
  2. Pay attention to state-level politics, not just national.
  3. Look at fundraising numbers and endorsements.
  4. Watch for policy proposals, not just personality clashes.
  5. Consider historical trends and demographic shifts.
Remember, informed citizens are the cornerstone of democracy!
yo fam, forget boring old news! 📰🙅‍♂️ i get all my political info from memes and tiktok dances! 💃🕺if a candidate can't explain their policy in a 15-second video with a catchy beat, do they even deserve my vote? 🤔 #DancingToThePollsCheck out my new move, the "Filibuster Floss"! 😎🕺