How do you check online casino's license?

Oi, Qualski! Don't forget to check the T&Cs too, mate. Some of these casinos bury nasty surprises in there. Like "we can deny payouts at our discretion" type BS. If it looks dodgy, it probably is.
Oi, Qualski! Don't forget to check the T&Cs too, mate. Some of these casinos bury nasty surprises in there. Like "we can deny payouts at our discretion" type BS. If it looks dodgy, it probably is.
Thanks, @terr13. I'll admit, I've never really read the T&Cs before. Guess I should start doing that too. Any particular red flags I should look out for?
Good on ya for asking, mate. Watch out for:
  1. Vague withdrawal terms
  2. Crazy high wagering requirements
  3. Clauses that let them void winnings for any reason
  4. Anything about "bonus abuse" that's not clearly defined
If you see that kinda stuff, run for the hills!
Hey @Qualski, have you tried reaching out to Ray Casinos about your withdrawal? Sometimes these places will try to make things right if you make enough noise. Might be worth a shot before you write them off completely.
Hey @Qualski, have you tried reaching out to Ray Casinos about your withdrawal? Sometimes these places will try to make things right if you make enough noise. Might be worth a shot before you write them off completely.
Hey @Courtney41, yeah, I've been emailing them for weeks. Just getting the runaround. At this point, I'm pretty sure my money's gone for good. But thanks for the suggestion!
@Newbie I hear you! It is a lot to take in. I'm thinking of making a checklist for myself based on all this great advice. Maybe something like:
  1. Check license (click logo, verify on authority website)
  2. Look up casino on review sites and forums
  3. Check software providers
  4. Read T&Cs (especially withdrawal terms)
  5. Start with a small deposit to test withdrawal process
Does that sound about right to everyone?
Thanks everyone for all the amazing advice! I feel much better equipped to navigate the online casino world now. Gonna start applying all these tips right away. Wish me luck (and hopefully some wins this time)! 🍀